Workplace Instruction Card

Working safely with chemical substances

Are you looking for a company that can help you create a Workplace Instruction Card, i.e. an instruction card describing exactly how to handle chemicals? Then talk to Trade Wind. We specialize in preparing, creating and translating the documents involving chemicals at the workplace. Does your company deal with chemical substances? Then you will know that it requires considerable expertise to keep up with the constantly changing legislation. Trade Wind makes your life easier if you need instruction cards for your work site. We can make them for you from A to Z. Alternatively, you may choose to use the software we developed and which allows you to make the correct documents yourself. Documents such as Workplace Instruction Cards. If you want, they can be requested in real time via the intranet.

Why ask Trade Wind to produce your Workplace Instruction Card for you?

Trade Wind relies on many years of experience in all that is involved in safety requirements at the workplace. We make sure that our knowledge is up to date at all times. Are rules and regulations changing? We have the latest details and are fully informed. Some companies deal with chemicals only sporadically. Obviously that does not release them from complying with the respective regulations. If this applies to you, then why not rely on Trade Wind’s assistance? We can draw up and supply all the required documentation for you. For your complete peace of mind.

All we need from you is the relevant specifications. Based thereon we supply a specific and accurate instruction card. Do you work with chemicals on a regular basis? Then using our software could be worth considering. We will be happy to discuss which solution would best fit your needs.

Instruction cards across the borders

Many of our clients engage our services to make sure that their documentation is also suitable and usable abroad. At present we offer full documentation services in more than 52 languages. Translation services apply to:

  • The creation of SDSs
  • The creation of labels
  • Chemical Safety Report (CSR)
  • Extended SDS, Excel, Txt & XML export
  • Secondary legal or logistics reports

Contact us about Workplace Instruction Cards

You can contact Trade Wind at phone number +31(0)70-214 13 40. Our email address is We can help you with your Workplace Instruction Cards and more.

Need more information?

If you have any questions or comments regarding your visit to our website or if you would like to make an appointment, please send an e-mail or call us.

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