Notification of Poison Information Centers (PCN)
The requirement to provide information on chemical products to the national Poison Information Center trough the ECHA-portal can be difficult to meet; each country still has its own specific procedures. Trade Wind can take this off your hands.
Training and Training
Safety at the workplace is a must
Without specific training it can be hard to keep track of the relationships between the consequences of all the different regulations, or translate them into policies and implementation within your company. The legislation on handling chemicals and the related information provision is subject to constant change.
Rules on individual substances are changing rapidly, but so are the laws imposed on branches and, to an increasing extent, a wider range of users and processors of chemicals throughout Europe. Meanwhile, centralization of rules and regulations in Brussels continues. The European Directives on SDSs and the subsequent legislation and developments regarding ReaCh (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances) and CLP (Classification, Labeling and Packaging) are illustrative of the ongoing unification.
We offer a CLP training program tailored to your needs and delivered at your offices which covers everything your staff need to know about the most recent laws and regulations. Because safety at the workplace is a must.