Trade Wind & ChemPros-stand at the “Landelijke Stoffendag 2019” (Dutch National Chemicals Day)
On Wednesday December 11th 2019, the Dutch National Chemicals Day took place on the ReeHorst estate in Ede. This annual event was again organised by branch organisations NRK, VVVF and NVZ, in collaboration with MKB Nederland, VNO / NCW, producers and users of hazardous chemicals.
Together with sister company ChemPros B.V., Trade Wind was present as a sponsor with a shared stand. This unique day brought together all current knowledge about the safe and responsible handling of hazardous chemicals. Through an information market and a wide range of workshops given by experts, people were fully informed of all changes in the field of working conditions, environmental and storage and transport regulations. Finally, there was an opportunity for networking and we spoke with many familiar faces. We hope to see you again next year!