The United Nations’ GHS in a European coat
Are you familiar with CLP? CLP stands for Classification, Labeling and Packaging. It is the EU implementation of the worldwide United Nations standard GHS (Globally Harmonized System). The European Union in 2009 adopted the CLP Regulation, which is the framework for the classification and labeling of chemical substances and mixtures in the European Union. Are you looking for specialist help in complying with your CLP obligations? Then Trade Wind is the place to go. We specialize in labeling chemical substances and authoring and translating Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS or SDS).
So-called Workplace Instruction Cards (‘WICs’) are another important instrument when you are handling chemicals. WICs must be drawn up in accordance with the CLP Regulation. You can rely on Trade Wind to guide you in the process. We have the knowledge and expertise to draw up and translate any MSDS or WIC you may need. Alternatively we can offer you our specialist software program ExESS. Lisam ExESS gives you the assurance that you always work with the latest information available. This allows you to meet all the CLP requirements.
Where CLP matters
Trade Wind is here to help you meet the obligations imposed by your local government and the EU. In addition to the many legal requirements, society demands the safe handling of chemical substances by workers and consumers alike. For companies it can be hard to keep up with the rapidly changing rules and regulations. Trade Wind fulfils the need for professional help and guidance in complying with all the legal obligations in relation to chemicals and hazardous substances imposed on you by way of safety information sheets and various labeling and marking requirements.
To be able to instantly prepare your SDS, all we need from you are the specifications of the relevant substance. Do you deal with chemical substances on a regular basis or is it your core business? Then our flexible software may be of use to you. It caters to your specific needs and enables you to meet all your legal obligations.
Want to find out more about CLP?
Contact our specialist team to discuss your needs, obligations and options. Call phone number +31(0)70-214 13 40 or email us at We will answer any questions as soon as possible. Including those about CLP.