Registration of Hazardous Chemicals

Registration of hazardous substances

According to the Dutch Occupational Health & Safety Decree companies have an obligation to document the hazardous chemicals present at their company. The purpose is to assess occupational exposure to hazardous substances. The assessment focuses on the nature, the extent and the duration of the exposure.

Trade Wind can help you to perform the assessment. We offer you ExESS, a software package highly suitable for recording information on the chemicals used, such as hazard, location and inventory. It also allows registration of occupational exposure, not only to chemicals, but also to dangers such as noise, vibration and radiation.

In addition, ExESS is an easy-to-use tool for the creation of your Workplace Instruction Cards (WICs). It also allows you to make the Register available via your corporate intranet, so that each person knows where to find which chemical and has access to the relevant WIC if necessary.

If your company uses ‘Substance Manager’, an internet system for exposure measurement validated by the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate (SZW), then having the information about your chemicals on file in ExESS is an advantage. Exporting and importing data is child’s play.

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