ExESS Volume tracking

ExESS Volume tracking

ExESS® Volume Tracking simplifies and automates regulatory volume tracking and reporting.

The following modules are available:

  • REACH Substance Volume tracking for Tonnage band calculation for the EU.
  • REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) volume calculation in Mixtures and Article Bill of Materials (BOM) for the EU.
  • Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) for the US, including both volume tracking and uploading of data to the EPA via the ExESS eIUR-Web automated web-link.
  • Chemical Substance Control Law (CSCL) for Japan.

REACH Substance Volume tracking (EU)

ExESS Volume Tracking is based on the structured input of commercial trade volumes of chemicals, product compositions, REACH parameters important for the calculation, chemicals allocation per legal entity (LE), Site, Business Unit (BU), and specific information. Key ExESS features specific to REACH Substance Volume Tracking include:

  • Automated calculation of tonnage bands per substance per legal entity.
  • Automated alarms when Volumes meet threshold values.
  • Export to MS Excel® for graphical presentation.
  • Simulations on estimated volume information.
  • Parameterized reporting with pivot tables.

REACH SVHC volume calculation in Mixtures and Article Bill of Materials

The calculation is based on the collection of mixture compositions and article BOM. Based on CAS, EC and EU Index numbers, ExESS tracks listed SVHC and calculates the %ww in the structures. ExESS can generate lists, overviews and letters to comply with REACH regulations. Information and calculations are used to complete section 15 and Section 3 of the Extended Safety Data Sheet (eSDS) in compliance with REACH Annex II.

CDR Volume tracking (US)

ExESS Volume Tracking is in use today for tracking volumes according to U.S. Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) requirements. Compliant with OSHA’s HAZcom 2012, ExESS Volume Tracking includes substance volume tracking, worker exposure tracking and usage tracking, as well as field-specific Confidential Business Information (CBI) tracking. ExESS Volume Tracking includes a special “Export to e-CDRweb” reporting feature that automates the creation of the XML upload file by site, which greatly simplifies CDR submissions on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) website.

CSCL Volume tracking (Japan)

ExESS can be used to track the Japanese requirements to comply with the Chemical Substances Control Law (CSCL) volume tracking rules.

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